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Online Statistics Education: An Interactive Multimedia Course of Study

Title: Online Statistics Education: An Interactive Multimedia Course of Study: .
Name(s): Lane, David, author

, editor
, translator
Type of Resource: Textbook
Date Issued: 2007
Abstract/Description: Online Statistics: An Interactive Multimedia Course of Study is a resource for learning and teaching introductory statistics. It contains material presented in textbook format and as video presentations. This resource features interactive demonstrations and simulations, case studies, and an analysis lab.
Identifier: STA2023_08 (IID), (doi)

Statistics, STA2023. Details:
Use and Reproduction: This work is in the public domain. Therefore, it can be copied and reproduced without limitation. However, we would appreciate a citation where possible. Please cite as: Online Statistics Education: A Multimedia Course of Study ( Project Leader: David M. Lane, Rice University. David Lane is the principal developer of this resource although many others have made substantial contributions. This site was developed at Rice University, University of Houston-Clear Lake, and Tufts University. For more on the contributors go to:
Host Institution: FLVC
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