Student Success courses offered in Florida SUS and FCS institutions include: SLS 1101 Strategies for College Success, SLS 1300 Career Planning, SLS 1301 Career Explorations: A Personal Journey Into Finding Your Career, SLS 1350 Job Marketing Skills, SLS 1949 Internship Exploration and Work Experience, SLS 0005 - Foundations of College Success (Dev Ed), SLS 1103 - Strategies for Success in College, Career and Life (Dual enrolled), IDS 1107 - Strategies for the Pursuit of Knowledge, SLS 1106 First year seminar, SLS 1930 - CE- UNF Cares: US Veterans, SLS 1990 First Year Seminar, SLS 1991 Exp: Pre-health Prof pathway, SLS 1992 Exp: Chemistry Study Skills, SLS 1993 Exp: STEM LLC Seminar, SLS 1995 Surviving Freshman Year, SLS 2004 CCEC and You, SLC 2999 Intro to Orient Leadership, SLS 2408 Employability Skills and Career Success